martes, 16 de diciembre de 2014


              A musical performance in English travelling all over the world. It was Fun!
                  Un musical en inglés viaxando polo mundo enteiro. Foi moi divertido!

miércoles, 18 de junio de 2014


PRIMARY 6 is over!!. It has been a good year full of experiences, a lot of emotions and creativity.... and laughs. That´s the Point!!. You will be always in my mind!

jueves, 12 de junio de 2014



Look at yourself and just think about you. Look at myself and...What a Sight! 
 Thank you, children...for your imagination and your creativity. Good Job!

domingo, 1 de junio de 2014


Did you know that DRAGONS were part of Celtic and Viking Stories and other old cultures, even Chinese?. Where do they live?. What do they eat?. DRAGONS  are fantasy pure animals but sometimes they get angry and annoyed with human beings!!.Why?.

Sabías que os DRAGÓNS formaban parte das Lendas Celtas e Vikingas e outras culturas milenarias como China?. Onde viven?. Qué comen?. Os DRAGÓNS son animais míticos puros e nobles pero ás veces enfádanse moito cos humanos. Porqué será?.

viernes, 30 de mayo de 2014


EDEL BUGGY  as a Teacher Assistant in this school year from Northern Irleand, nearby Belfast has been a hard worker, and enthusiastic to improve our English oral skills and lingüistic competences with our students. We appreciate your time and your work and your sense of humour. What an important experience for us in a Galician Public School!!  Thank you.!!

EDEL BUGGY como asistente de conversación de Irlanda do Norte, nas bisbarra de Belfast, foi unha dura traballadora, entusiasta para mellorar as destrezas orais en inglés do noso alumnado. Agradecemos o teu tempo, o teu traballo e o teu sentido de humor. 
Que experiencia tan importante para nós nunha Escola Pública de Galicia. Graciñas!!

domingo, 25 de mayo de 2014

Dear FROSO CHASICKOU...You´re always in my mind!

FROSO CHASICKOU  a Dancing and Music teacher from Cyprus that was working at Sárdoma- Moledo School this year 2013-2014 in an European Project Leonardo Da Vinci. It was so nice and amazing, creative and funny. Thank you for your time and your work and your personal skills even in Arts and Krafts classes and also as a teacher assistant. It has been perfect!

You´re always in my mind!

FROSO CHASICKOU  unha profesora de Danzas e Música de Chipre que traballou no Colexio de Sárdoma-Moledo no curso 2013-2014 a través do Proxecto Europeo Leonardo Da Vinci. Foi tan bonito e increible, creativa e divertida. Grazas polo teu tempo e o teu traballo e as túas habilidades nas clases de Plástica e tamén como Asistente de Conversación. Foi perfecto!

Estarás sempre na nosa memoria!


This is amazing!!.. Did you know that these colours in your body are a real fact?. Taking into account your emotions you are projecting different colours...if you are happy...yellow or orange....if you are very angry maybe red.....if you are feeling sad,,,,,it is blue!!. I can´t believe it.

Esto é increible!!. Sabías que estas cores no teu corpo son reais?. Dacordo coas túas emocións podes proxectar cores estás feliz...marelo ou estás moi enfadado seguro que é te sintes triste....estás azul!!. Alucinante!

What colour do you think....if you are IN LOVE ??
Cal será a túa cor coporal si estás enamorad@??